Brandon Piller

Hello. I am
a Designer a Developer a Programmer Brandon


About Me


Hello. Thanks for stopping by. 

I am currently an undergraduate at the University of Saskatchewan. I am in my final year, majoring in Interactive Systems Design, with a minor in Digital Culture and New Media. The Interactive Systems Design program is a program designed ( haha design a design course) to synthesize computer science, art and psychology, giving the skills to create systems that people interact with. So if you need some coding done, some great design ideas, or a lengthy conversation about the way the human mind works, I am your guy

I'm not just about school however. I have many other hobbies and interests that I do in my spare time. I code, write short stories, play video games.  My newest hobby is improv comedy. I am in the Usask Improv group, the campus improv club and I am having a great time doing it! So at the very least, you know I should be interesting to talk to.


The variety of computer and art projects I have done over the years.

All Thing in murderation

Jungle Jump


Fighty Shooty


Extended Media Projects

Video Projects

Web Design

Other Works

Contact ME

I look forward to hearing from you!

Like what you see? Want to get in touch with me? Contact me by email or phone!



Detail 1

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Detail 2

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Detail 3

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